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Clare received a phone call out of the blue after her lucky Lottery number supporting Hull 4 Heroes came up as the jackpot winner. When Clare was told that she had scooped the top prize, she couldn’t believe it and thought it was a wind up! 
Clare was the first person to sign up to the Lottery in support of Hull 4 Heroes when they launched their partnership with Your Charity Lottery in January 2019 and is the 3rd Jackpot winner they have had. 
Clare shared a little about her history with Hull 4 Heroes. 
"I've supported the Hull 4 Heroes charity for just over 5 years. It started with an appeal to help on a project in Beverley. I offered to make the brews and they've not got rid of me since! I support the charity as whilst I've not served in the forces myself, I have family and friends who have and some still are. I've seen some of them struggle at times and seen how they help each other. If I can do my little bit in helping support them, then I will.” 
Hull 4 Heroes also have a separate partner Lottery with Your Charity Lottery to support the building and running of their Veterans Village which Clare helps support. 
“The Veterans Village is going to be a first of it's kind and by supporting the lottery to help funds go towards the village, we really are all going to help make that happen. The village will provide a stable environment for service personnel to adjust to civilian life.” 
Clare has already got plans on what she is spending her money on too! 
“In my head I've spent the money several times over on a new push bike, hiking gear or funding for a new trek/adventure. In reality it will be spent on kitting out my son on him starting university later in the year and if I'm being frivolous maybe a tank of fuel” 
Hull 4 Heroes have had 72 lottery winners with a total of £3,705 won between them. Over £11,000 has been raised for Hull 4 Heroes from Lottery players since they partnered with Your Charity Lottery in January 2019. 
If you would like to learn more about the Lottery scheme, or sign up to support The Veterans Village and have the chance to win some fantastic prizes up to £10,000, click here. 
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