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Elizabeth L. , who has been a lottery supporter for Special Stars since 2018, was shocked but excited when she recieved a call from the Special Stars office to let her know that she had won the Your Charity Lottery weekly Jackpot Prize of £1,000. 
Elizabeth did not imagine she would ever win the jackpot prize and was happy to play the lottery in support of Special Stars with the hope she might win something small now and again. 
Elizabeth loves being able to support when she can. 
When asked about why she plays the lottery, she said: 
“Winning the money is such a lovely surprise, it’s always been one of those things you do, that you just never expect to win but do it anyways to support the charity. My friend’s daughter attends events run by Special Stars and always has so much fun, which is why I chose to support Special Stars via the lottery’.” 
Did you know…the money raised by Your Charity Lottery goes directly back into the community helping all different causes depending on the charity you choose to support! 
Don’t miss out on your chance to become a Your Charity Lottery winner - sign up to support Special Stars by clicking here 
Lizzie is over the moon with her £1,000 win! 
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