About community vision
Community VISION CIO is an infrastructure organisation providing support to the voluntary, community and not for profit sector within the East Riding and North Lincolnshire. We run a number of projects which include: Volunteen, First Steps Forward, Bridlington Community Hub, BOOST Training, FraudWatch, Volunteering for Young People Awards, Local-Links, Lolipop, Winterton 2022+ many more!
“Community VISION have been offering our volunteers the option to attend numerous Webinars relating to Cyber Crime. These Webinars have varied from Keeping Young People Safe online to Romance Fraud. The Webinars have been hugely beneficial to volunteers for personal reasons but also I believe that learning about Cyber Crime, has encouraged some of our volunteers to become Cyber Crime Volunteers, which in turn helps victims of fraud.” - Kirsty – Humberside Police Community Safety Unit
What do they do?
Community VISION has strong partnerships across the East Riding and North Lincolnshire which includes secondary schools, colleges, Youth and Family Support Services, Youth Offending Services, Looked after Children’s Services, leaving care services, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, North Lincolnshire Council and various voluntary and community groups.
As part of our work, we support and develop local voluntary sector groups and organisations across the area, with the focus of strengthening their delivery and building resilience within communities. We are also proud to be part of a wider network of infrastructure organisations across the UK through our membership of NAVCA.
We strive to empower and support local organisations, and our support is not limited to members, but anyone that needs help. We aim to make a real difference to our communities, and we always review our work to ensure that we are making the best use of our resources and are able to meet the needs of the wider VCSE.
THE DIFFERENCE you could make
We are a not-for-profit charity and rely heavily on the generosity of people and their donations to help as many organisations as possible. We have minimal financial support and every £1 could help make a difference to those who need our services.
• £26 could provide support with providing mentoring for a community volunteer
• £52 could provide support towards the costs of volunteer training