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“My name is Sami and my mum Sheila died at Dove House Hospice last year. You never know when you might need Dove House (or any of the other beneficiaries) and now that I have experienced their fantastic care I really hope, with your help, they can be there for every family who turns to them. 
Today I am asking you to consider taking part in this year's Spring Raffle, your support means the hospice and other beneficiaries can continue to be there for families like mine and ensure every family who needs it can have such special care right until the end. 
Receiving the diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma was a scary time for our family and our world turned upside down. Due to the pandemic when Mum was in hospital we weren't able to visit or even wave at her through a window. Not being able to be together was heartbreaking - Mum needed us. 
Then Mum was transferred to Dove House. Walking into the hospice was like a huge weight had been lifted from our shoulders. It felt like a home away from home. 
Everyone made our time at the hospice so incredibly special, from being given the most perfect bath with rose petals which made her feel amazing, to making a fuss for Mum & Dad's wedding anniversary where we were able to celebrate in the beautiful gardens and enjoy cakes together. One day I walked in to find Mum sat in bed with a pint and a straw! She had mentioned to one of the nurses that she fancied it and just like that they made it happen. They made things feel more normal for us. 
At the end Mum wanted and needed to be surrounded by the people she loved most. We were so relieved to be able to be by her side, she wouldn't have had that without the hospice and she wouldn't have been able to have the dignified death she most truly deserved. 
Dove House gave us precious time, we were able to just be her family while the team cared for her. We didn't need to think about the logistics of caring for Mum, we could just be sat with her, enjoying our time together and just being a family. I can't even put into words how much we appreciated that. Without Dove House we wouldn't have been able to enjoy the last few weeks and moments together before Mum died.” 
Please know that your support of the Raffle will make a huge difference to across the country, plus you could be in with a chance of winning one of the great prizes too! 
We’d like to thank Sami and her family for sharing their story in support of the Spring Raffle. 
Support one of our beneficiaries by playing the Spring Raffle and being in with the chance of winning the jackpot prize of £2,022! 
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