Terms and conditions
The Lottery is promoted by Dove House Hospice Ltd, trading as Your Charity Lottery. Licensed by the Gambling Commission www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk Person responsible for the Lottery: L. Sadler, Dove House Hospice, Chamberlain Road, Hull, HU8 8DH. Profits from Your Charity Lottery go directly towards funding the specialist hospice care services provided to adults with life limiting illnesses throughout your local area, at no cost to them.
On receipt of a request to join the lottery, and once they have acknowledged information regarding what will happen to customer funds in the event of the promoter’s insolvency (see below) players will be issued in the form of a welcome letter a unique randomly selected draw number(s) created by approved and appropriately tested secure computer software;
For each £1 entry you will be given a unique six digit number which is personal to you. You can have as many numbers as you like; however, to enable us to be responsible in our fundraising we have set a maximum amount of 5 per player in any one draw;
Regular payments can be made using direct debit, cheque, or by debit/credit card. Direct Debit and debit/credit card payments may be set up over the telephone, via our website or by completing a written form. Cash payments can also be made in certain areas. All information on payment is available in our leaflets, on our website or by contacting the Lottery Office.
The number(s) you have been allocated will be entered into the draw each week, dependent on if paid, to win one of the guaranteed prizes and the rollover prize;
The draw will be run on the premises of Dove House Hospice using bespoke software using a random number generator system, which is approved and appropriately tested;
The draw will take place each Friday;
Prize winners will be notified by post within 7-10 days of the draw taking place and at the same time will be sent the relevant cheque. The winning numbers will be displayed on the website www.yourcharitylottery.org.uk and our charity beneficiary websites. They are also available in local press, in all beneficiary charity shops as well as being available from the Lottery Office on request. Prizes will be in the form of sterling cheques and made payable to the player’s name as indicated on his or her application to be entered into the draw. In the event of winning cheques remaining uncashed the responsible person named reserves the right to return uncashed prizes after a period of six months and to donate the value to the charity the player chose to support on joining the lottery. It is the responsibility of the player to notify us of any changes to their details;
Syndicates can join the lottery but a nominated named person will be required. The Lottery will address any prize cheque to that player and it is incumbent upon that player to distribute winnings to other syndicate members.
Should you decide you no longer wish to participate in the weekly draw you must contact the Lottery Office to inform us. The Lottery Office telephone number is 0330 330 1500 and its email address is info@yourcharitylottery.org.uk. Cancellations can be carried out at any time although those received after 13:00 hours on a Thursday may not be actioned until after the weekly draw the next day. If you pay by standing order you will need to cancel the instruction with your bank also.
Where a member cancels their membership with a credit balance, we will determine with the player if they wish to remain in the draw until such time as the credit runs out, wish to donate the credit to the charity they have been supporting or require a refund. Any refund will be made by cheque (addressed to the player) and issued within 14 working days;
We promise to comply with all Data Protection requirements and to protect your personal data as well as storing bank details securely. It will be appreciated by members that Your Charity Lottery cannot accept liability for the loss of, delays in or theft of any communication sent by post, email or fax or for any delays in the banking system;
We reserve the right not to accept an application, or to cancel an existing transaction at our absolute discretion. Any such rejection or cancellation may be considered on submission of a written appeal to the Lottery Manager within 7 days. The decision of the Lottery Manager will be final;
An instruction to be self-excluded, as defined in the Gambling Act 2005, from the weekly draw or any One-off Prize Draws may be submitted in writing, faxed or telephoned through to the Lottery Office or completed via our website. Customers wishing to use this facility will not be able to participate in any Lottery activity for a minimum of 6 months from the date of exclusion. Their account will be closed and any credit balance returned to them. They will be signposted to support and counselling services such as those provided by Gamcare. The self-exclusion period can be extended for one or more periods of 6 months. Following the expiry of the self-exclusion period it will be deemed to be extended for a further 6 months unless the player takes positive action to resume participation in the draw. No marketing material shall be sent to a player during a self-exclusion or thereafter except, in the latter scenario, when the player asks for, or agrees to accept, such material;
Your Charity Lottery has a statutory duty to ensure that only players aged 16 or over are allowed to enter the Lottery, Superdraws/Raffles or any other Lottery activity promoted by the society. You will be required to verify that you are aged 18 or over before making any subscription or purchasing entry into any draw. Those under 18 will not be allowed to participate and prizes will not be paid out to them. Should it be discovered, subsequent to a player participating in the draw, that he or she is aged under 18, no prizes will be paid out to them and their stakes will be returned to them. Your Charity Lottery will carry out random checks to verify this requirement, if necessary, including seeking confirmation from independent agencies who can provide such information;
It is the responsibility of the player to advise us of any change to that player’s address or any other details as necessary;
Your Charity Lottery is a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association and the Lotteries Council of Great Britain, both of whom, on behalf of their members, make a financial contribution towards the Responsible Gambling Trust www.responsiblegamblingtrust.org.uk; an organisation with the sole aim of fundraising to assist with problem gambling. The Hospice Lotteries Association website www.hospicelotteries.org, has a page dedicated to the Responsible Gambling Trust and also to Gamcare www.gamcare.org.uk; the leading organisation that provides practical help to problem gamblers. Further support can also be found on the Gamble Aware website www.begambleaware.org;
All complaints and disputes will be dealt with in accordance with our complaints and disputes policy, a copy of which is available at the Lottery office and will be provided upon request or in the event that you make a complaint. In the event that a complaint relating to the outcome of a gambling transaction cannot be resolved internally, then it will be classed as a dispute and referred to arbitration. As a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association, any disputes relating to our draws will be handled by the Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS) Telephone 02073 475883;
In the event of insolvency any future advance payments that a supporter has made are not covered and a supporter will not be able to access these
In the event of the charity ceasing the operation of the lottery, the charity will refund any remaining player credit from the date of the last draw held
Please note that Dove House Hospice and charity beneficiaries employees, Your Charity Lottery staff and their partners and persons living in their same household, are eligible to participate in the weekly draw and any other Lottery activity promoted;
Your Charity Lottery reserves the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions. Any material changes to these terms and conditions that affect matters such as the way in which the draws are carried out, eligibility and prizes will be notified to you prior to taking effect via our website, notices in the Lottery Office, charity beneficiary websites and in charity shops.