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Social responsibility 
Person Responsible for the Lottery: S Cash, Dove House Hospice, Chamberlain Road, Hull. Dove House Hospice Limited a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales Company no: 01498747. Registered Office: Dove House Hospice, Chamberlain Road, Hull, HU8 8DH. Registered Charity No. 509551. Licensed by the Gambling Commission – www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk 
Dove House Hospice Ltd, trading as Your Charity Lottery is responsible for placing all entries (tickets and membership) into an electronic prize draw process which records all aspects of an individual’s (supporter’s) details, payments, entries and winnings. The software currently used is provided by Carn Software who ensure their software complies with the relevant regulations and has been tested in line with any Random Number Generation requirements. 
Your Charity Lottery has clear Terms & Conditions relating to the Lottery activity which state its obligations and responsibilities. 
Weekly winners’ cheques are sent out automatically but the results can be checked as these are published on our website, our beneficiary websites, placed on social media and displayed in Dove House Hospice Charity shops as well as Beneficiary Shops. Players/Supporters can request copies of the results from the Lottery Office. A Player/Supporter can request a statement of their own account(s) showing them their current credit, the amount paid over a given membership period, the frequency of payments, the number and value of wins they have received. 
Dove House Hospice Ltd publishes fully audited accounts annually detailing all areas of the organisation, including Lottery, which can be obtained on request. 
Any complaints regarding our lottery or raffles can be made directly to the Lottery Manager at Your Charity Lottery, Chamberlain Road, Hull, HU8 8DH, Tel: 0300 330 1500 or by emailing info@yourcharitylottery.org.uk. In the event of any complaints and disputes relating to Your Charity Lottery activities the organisation’s Complaints Procedure will apply. 
Your Charity Lottery take all complaints seriously in order that a satisfactory resolution can be reached. In the event of a complaint or dispute not being resolved it will be referred to arbitration. As a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association and the Lotteries Council this will be referred to the Independent Betting Adjudication Service Ltd (IBAS). www.ibas-uk.com – 020 7247 5883. 
Your Charity Lottery accepts that anyone at any time can have or develop a compulsive or addictive trait with regard to gambling; albeit this is perceived to be low risk in relation to charity lotteries. Your Charity Lottery has set limits on the number of entries into the weekly draw and its other activities. Should an individual request to purchase more than these limits the Customer Service team will discuss this with the individual to gauge if in doing so would cause any financial risk to him/her. 
Your Charity Lottery has developed a policy to, where possible, identify ‘at risk’ individuals and direct them to the appropriate support. As a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association Dove House Hospice Ltd trading as Your Charity Lottery makes a financial contribution towards the Responsible Gambling Fund, an organisation set up with the sole aim of promoting and encouraging responsible gambling. 
Gambling in moderation is okay, but problem gambling can take over your life. Consider the following before participating in gambling activities: 
Gambling should not be seen as a way of making money 
Avoid chasing losses (putting good money after bad) 
Only gamble what you can afford to lose 
Keep track of the time and amount you spend gambling 
Have you ever lied to cover up the amount of money or time you have spent gambling? 
Have others criticised your gambling? 
Have you lost interest in your family, friends or hobbies? 
If you are having a problem with gambling you can ask to be excluded from our activities. You can do this by emailing info@yourcharitylottery.org.uk and using the following template : I (insert full name) request that I be excluded from entering any Your Charity Lottery draws or any raffles/draws run by Dove House Hospice Ltd or any other Your Charity Lottery Beneficiary charity or group. I understand that if I attempt to purchase a lottery or raffle ticket, I will be refused. Where an individual deems it necessary to apply for self-exclusion they are advised of the implications of doing so. 
Dove House Hospice Ltd trading as Your Charity Lottery encourages responsible gambling at all times and supports its representatives in upholding this responsibility. For guidance on responsible gambling visit www.begambleaware.org