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mama academy 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support Mama Academy. 
We have been helping to save babies’ lives since 2012, by empowering expectant parents with pregnancy information and supporting midwives. 

about us 

MAMA Academy has been helping to save babies’ lives since 2012, by empowering expectant parents with pregnancy information and supporting midwives. Currently, over 1300 stillbirths are being prevented every year. We are positive about pregnancy and committed to raising awareness of what can be done to help save babies’ lives. 
We envisage a future of confident and empowered expectant mums, where fewer families will go through the heartache of losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy, and midwives feel able to offer the care they truly want to provide for all women. 

Service user Story 

“when I got pregnant, I got a MAMA Academy wellbeing wallet, I read it all the way around. Being a new first-time mum, I wanted to make sure what I was doing was right and I knew any signs of things that aren't right. I never thought any of those symptoms/problems would affect me or my pregnancy. Until one day, I was working from home, I suddenly felt really poorly. I had a severe headache and could not concentrate on the screen or what was written - it was almost blurry. I had remembered that my booklet had something about those similar on it so I looked at it and it triggered me to call my emergency midwife line, as I had three of those symptoms. I was admitted to the hospital with pre-eclampsia. I had a growth scan that showed that my little boy wasn't growing properly and he had fetal growth restriction. His growth dropped due to my placenta not functioning properly and I also had pre-eclampsia. He ended up being delivered by c section on Sunday, 23rd January 2022, 5 weeks early. He was weighing 4lb 2oz. I’m so grateful for having the well-being wallet, it’s something so simple that helped me in my time of need. If I hadn’t read those symptoms I probably wouldn’t have called and who knows what could have happened. Thank you, MAMA Academy!” - Megan, Service User 

THE DIFFERENCE you could make 

We are a not-for-profit charity and rely heavily on the generosity of people and their donations to help save as many babies’ lives as possible. We have no fixed or regular financial support and every £1 could help make a difference to the families who need our help. 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support mama academy