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Here at aScEND Hull we are committed to providing a wide range of events such as arts and crafts activities, 0-5 play sessions, sensory sessions and Lego therapy sessions as well as many others. These sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the SEND community and their families. We rely on the generosity of the public to help us carry out the activities that many within the community reply upon. 


We are a Comminuty Interest Company and rely heavily on the generosity of people and their donations to help as many organisations as possible. We have minimal financial support and every £1 could help make a difference to those who need our services. 
Pay for the year up front when you sign up and you will receive a free Lotte the Lottery Bear! With a new top released every year, you’ll soon have enough for a picnic! 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support ASCEND HULL