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Keeping Digital Foundation 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support Keeping Digital Foundation. 
Keeping Digital Foundation provides warm spaces across North Yorkshire to help with a variety of services from digital making activities to digital inclusive services. 

About Keeping Digital foundation 

The Keeping Digital Foundation, founded in 2016, runs a whole variety of services across North Yorkshire, from digital making activities to digital inclusivity support. We run over five Digital Cafes in York, providing a warm space for residents where they can get free support about getting online and using their digital devices. 
Keeping Digital Foundation has helped me connect with my loved ones online and allowed me to become more independent as more of the world goes online.” 
- Mary Dewes 

Help for Every Resident 

Over 1 in 20 households have no internet access, neither fixed line nor mobile. Andrew uses his phone to keep in touch with family who live outside of North Yorkshire, but due to the cost of living crisis was unable to keep up with his phone contract. Receiving only a pension, he was prioritising food and heating and was really struggling with loneliness. Attending a Digital Cafe in York, the Keeping Digital Foundation were able to provide him with a year of free data, text and calls to ensure he could contact his family and manage his NHS app and Council details. Without the Keeping Digital Foundation, he wouldn’t be able to speak to his family every week. 
Nearly 1 in 5 adults lack the most basic digital skills needed for everyday life. Over 1 in 20 households have no internet access, neither fixed line nor mobile. 
2 million households struggle with affordability of internet access. The Keeping Digital Foundation is here for every resident as the world continues to go online. 
The digital making activities by the Keeping Digital Foundation got me interested in Computer Science and made me realise I can do anything when I put my mind to it.” 
- James, 13 

THE DIFFERENCE you could make 

We are a not-for-profit charity and rely heavily on the generosity of people and their donations to help as many Residents as possible. We have minimal financial support and every £1 could help make a difference to those who need our services. 
£26 could provide a digital making activity session for 5 young people. 
£52 could provide 1-1 digital inclusion support for a resident 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support Digital activities and inclusivity