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City Health Care Partnership Foundation 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support CHCP Foundation. 
City Health Care Partnership Foundation charity offers small grants to local voluntary and community groups to improve health & wellbeing. 


City Health Care Partnership Foundation is the charitable arm of City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC), who provide health and care in Hull, the East Riding, Knowsley, Wigan and St Helens. The Foundation offers small grants of up to £1,000 to voluntary, community and not-for- profit groups who are helping to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the areas where CHCP CIC works. 
The Foundation is run by a group of staff trustees from CHCP CIC and also sponsors colleagues who are involved in activities to raise funds for charities of their choice. 
This not only encourages people to support charities close to their hearts and to help those in need but also furthers the aims of the Foundation to promote and protect physical and mental health. 
Cultural activities are also supported by CHCP Foundation. Culture Health+ grants give a kick-start to cultural, arts-based and creative endeavours that benefit the health of people taking part and the wider population. This includes grants to Hull Freedom Festival’s community correspondents programme and Opera North’s singing school for children and families. 
Over £260,000 in grants and sponsorship has been distributed since CHCP CIC began in 2010. 

why support us 

A truly local charity 
Available grants to voluntary and community groups* 
Actively improving community wellbeing 
Promoting and protecting physical and mental health 
Leaders in education about health and wellbeing 
Trustees are all CHCP CIC employees 
Trustees are all foundation board volunteers 
The application for up to £1,000 of funding is as simple as possible, making it easy for small groups to apply. Over £260,000 of small grants and staff sponsorship has been awarded since CHCP CIC came into being in 2010 and this includes Culture Health+ and EcoHealth grants. Culture Health+ were launched to celebrate Hull’s status as UK City of Culture 2017 and award grants of up to £5,000 to cultural, arts-based and creative activities that benefit the health of local people. The Community Correspondents programme, part of Hull’s Freedom Festival, gave participants the chance of play a role in the cultural transformation of the city. 
EcoHealth grants were given to groups involved in improving the local environment, including transforming a piece of wasteland into allotments and building activity equipment in a popular park to encourage exercise as part of children’s play. 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and support CHCP FOUNDATION