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Health stars 

Health Stars are the charity of Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust. Together they create better healthcare and brighter futures for people across East Yorkshire, Hull, and North Yorkshire. 
As a local NHS charity, they rely on the support of the public. 
Playing the Lottery will help enhance the health care and experiences of thousands of people using mental health, neurodiversity, learning disability, children’s and young people and local NHS services every day. 
Play Your Charity Lottery today and support Health Stars. 


Health Stars fund equipment that NHS budgets do not cover, make the Hospital buildings more attractive and therapeutic and provide the little extras that make a visit or stay in our services that little bit brighter. 
They help ease the burden on families offering comfort through treatment and reducing boredom. 
Your support also helps then say an extra special thank you to their incredible team, making them feel appreciated, supported and healthy at work. 

Play Your Charity Lottery today and Help improve local NHS services with health stars