Dove House Hospice was developed by the community, for the community and is the only facility in Hull and East Yorkshire providing expert, specialist palliative care within a caring and comfortable, homely environment. Care is provided by a specialist multi-disciplinary team led by consultants who provide an important link to local hospitals in the area.
The hospice is responsive to the needs and wants of its wider community. Now operating a 24/7, 365 day-a- year referral service, patients can be admitted around the clock. An expansion to the site in 2015 has also allowed for more personal, tailored care through the development of a gym and rehabilitation suite as well as a music room and multi-sensory space and lighter brighter units. These services are equally available to all residents throughout Hull and east Yorkshire free of charge. However, they are not free to provide.

Inpatient Unit for help with symptom management, end of life care and respite care.

Outpatients Clinics with doctors, specialist nurses and therapists.

Bereavement Care for families using our service and the wider community, including Children’s Bereavement Groups and the Welcome Wednesday Bereavement café.

Family Support for loved ones and carer, as well as looking after the patient’s emotional needs.

Therapies including Complementary Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

Community Groups such as Friday Friends and Welcome Wednesday reach out in to the community an dope the doors of Dove House to those who need social support.
THE DIFFERENCE you could make
While all of these services are free to patients, they are not free to provide. With statutory funding currently covering just 10% of our annual running costs it is the support of the local community which keeps our service here for those in need. Joining Your Charity Lottery makes a real difference to local families.
The nature of the work carried out at the hospice has meant we have touched the lives of many thousands of local people over the decades. The hospice provides care and support to over 1500 families a year living with the complexities of an illness that has no cure, during some of the most difficult days.